In Episode 4: 1978: Mike, the 'Tippy' and Mike's father are Vietnam veterans. Michaelis explains to Mike that the Tippy keeps to himself because of his experiences in the war. Many Vietnam veterans endured emotional, physical or psychological trauma during and after the war.
- Ask students to explore the reasons why Australia became involved in the Vietnam War. As a class, create a poster fact sheet divided into two columns. The first column, titled 'Pre-war', will list the reasons why Australia became involved. The second column, titled 'Post-war', is for reasons why Australia withdrew troops from Vietnam.
- Create a timeline highlighting Australia's involvement in the war and the main events, dates and people involved.
- Ask students to find out from family members what they thought of Australia's involvement in the war and how they related to the returned soldiers. Students could interview these family members and record their memories as a social history with images or film clips.
- Ask students to write an article for the local newspaper based on an interview with a Vietnam veteran, a protest organiser or an ALP politician elected when Whitlam was prime minister. The interview should outline the interviewee's thoughts and actions regarding the Vietnam War and the need to support veterans afterwards.